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back to school: routine shake ups

By Jodie Hardesty

Director of Marketing


Readjusting to School Routines at the End of Summer

When school reconvenes each year, I always experience feelings of both relief and melancholy. This year, in particular, with my kids returning to entirely in-person learning in over a year and a half and attending a whole new school, those feelings are amplified. I fully acknowledge and embrace the importance of structure, peer socialization, and exposure to the diverse thoughts and teachings that are all part of the school environment. Yet, the end of summer marks the end of long days of warm sunshine and opportunities to go fishing, swimming, and spending evenings stargazing rather than finishing homework assignments.

Now that we're back to that structure, which includes managing work and sports schedules and providing transportation to each, my own readjustment is taking place. For a gal who is thrilled by efficiency but is not always good at executing it, I rely on planning as much as possible to avoid burn-out and last-minute scrambling. I've discovered my domestic activities demand the same level of organization as my work activities. Sometimes I'm successful; sometimes, I'm not.

One of the things I've learned as I've gotten older and become a more experienced parent is it's okay when all those well-laid plans fall apart as they sometimes do. And "sometimes" can mean often. In those moments, I remind myself that we always start again tomorrow. Isn't that one of the beauties in life? All those opportunities to pause and reset are available to us when we need them. It helps to create daily rituals that foster the mindset of seeking and finding balance in an imbalanced world.

My arsenal of rituals includes meditation, yoga, and now, bathing. Up until recently, I haven't been a big bather. With little kids underfoot and perpetual sleep deprivation, I never felt I had time for baths, opting instead for lightning-speed showers. But, now that my kids are teens and young adults, I crave the relief that comes from sinking into a warm bath to melt away the worries in life.

When I discovered Pursoma's Digital Detox in my local Ulta, I was intrigued by the all-natural ingredients and the encouragement on the package to disconnect from technology. Since I have sensitive skin, sea salt is a superior choice to Epsom or some other chemically treated salt product that contains artificial fragrances. Since I also thrive on swimming in the ocean, the brininess of Pursoma's main ingredient is heavenly. Even the clay that subtly adds to the experience is naturally sourced and unadulterated. A 30-minute soak left my fickle skin feeling soft and nurtured as if hugged by Mother Nature within the confines of my bathtub. All of this is less of an indulgence these days and more of a purposeful self-care initiative, which I sorely need during times of transition.

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