a sustainable approach to holiday celebrations
By Shannon Vaughn
Founder, Pursoma
"For several years, I’ve opted for a sustainable Christmas solution. Instead of the traditional cut tree, I purchase a potted one."
Shannon Vaughn
A Sustainable Approach to Holiday Celebrations
Last week, as I cruised down the highway, a heartwarming yet ponderous scene caught my eye. To my left, an old truck laden with pumpkins made its way from rural farmlands towards the city. The image of farmers bringing their produce to the market is indeed endearing. But it got me thinking about the aftermath.
In today’s world, we should contemplate the resources spent: fuel, time, effort, and, more importantly, the fate of these pumpkins. More often than not, these nutritious fruits are relegated to mere decorative ornaments for a month, only to be discarded soon after. Isn’t there a more eco-friendly way to embrace our festive spirits?
For several years, I’ve opted for a sustainable Christmas solution. Instead of the traditional cut tree, I purchase a potted one. Small yet radiant, these trees serve as the perfect holiday centerpiece. What’s even more special is gifting these trees to my daughter, marking each Christmas. This year, one of these trees celebrates its 8th year, symbolizing her 8th Christmas. The best part? Post festivities, these trees get planted, enriching our environment.
I acknowledge that not everyone has the luxury of space, especially in bustling urban settings, but alternatives exist. Consider the vibrant poinsettia. Not only does it beautifully hold its own for about three months, but it can also be elegantly surrounded with festive gifts. Sadly, each year city streets get littered with discarded trees, much like the fate of our beloved pumpkins, most of which find their end in landfills instead of compost pits.
This holiday season, I urge everyone to reconsider our decorative choices. Could we perhaps devour those pumpkins rather than discard them? Or maybe opt for trees that can be planted or serve as year-round indoor greenery, providing us with a perennial aroma of fresh pine? Let's make our celebrations both joyous and sustainable!